About MOJO PHYSIO Margaret River and Cowaramup
Go from patient to person
Our lives are increasingly busy and the desire to stay on top of work, family and fitness can sometimes leave us struggling for time. We understand that when injuries happen it's tough to fit in regular physio appointments, and stopping activities isn't always an option.
At MOJO Physio we pride ourselves in offering supportive options to get you back on track quicker, without the time and expense of endless treatment sessions. We bridge the gap between being a patient and being self-reliant. We understand that YOU are the best person to help you get where you want to be.
We’re committed to providing you and your loved ones with convenient, value-orientated options in a friendly environment. Our Margaret River physiotherapy clinic is located on Willmott Avenue in Margaret River- 2 minutes walk from the town centre. Our Cowaramup physiotherapy clinic and gym is located on Ellenbrook Road where we also have our gym. We also provide mobile physiotherapy appointments to ensure you get support when you need it the most.
Our clients deserve the best care, and we always make an effort to ensure you feel welcome and at ease.
So, whether your goal is to compete in a triathlon or hang out the washing without getting a sore neck, our dedicated team has the skills and resources to manage your needs. Physiotherapy provides a clearer path to feeling better, and we want to help you feel better today.
Want to reach your goal or feel better? Contact us today.

BSc Physiotherapy, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Senior Yoga Instructor
I have been teaching yoga for over 10 years and saw many people come to class looking for solutions for pain and injuries. I really wanted to help, so I went back to school and completed a physiotherapy degree and a strength and conditioning coach course.
Using my combination of skills to help people get back to independence and beyond gets me all warm and fuzzy.
My mission for MOJO Physio is to offer support to get you to where YOU want to be. I help structure a plan specially for you, to get you back doing what you love.
My personal interests include running, swimming, gymnastics, cycling and gardening. My professional interests are rehabbing runners, gardeners, office workers and all the in-between!
Interested in getting your body back on track? We’d be happy to introduce you to our team. Give us a call and speak directly to a physio today!